Pink Maremma

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink flamingos in the Diaccia Botrona Nature Reserve near Castiglione della Pescaia, Maremma Italy

This page in my guide to Maremma is a special pink October page for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and is dedicated to a very special friend whose courage in dealing with breast cancer is nothing but extraordinary.

I hope you enjoy the wonderful pink theme photographs of La Maremma that I have selected here. My thanks go to the photographers who have generously granted me permission to include their wonderful images of this very special part of Tuscany and Lazio in this Guide.

The photograph at the top of this page of pink flamingos in Maremma is called "Balletto" and is by kind permission of rcphotographer. It was taken in the Diaccia Botrona Nature Reserve near Castiglione della Pescaia.


Maremma Fauna

These "fenicotteri" - flamingos - have their home in the "Laguna di Orbetello" - Orbetello lagoon near Monte Argetario. The photograph is by kind permission of alisonhulot.

Pink flamingos in the Laguna di Orbetello in Maremma Italy


Maremma Flora

Cherry trees in blossom taken by alisonhulot at La Parrina farm shop in Maremma.

Cherry trees in pink blossom in Maremma Italy

These tiny pink clematis can be found on the woodland floor near the Lago dell'Accessa in Maremma, along the path to the many Etruscan tombs at that site. Their splashes of pink on an early spring day were a welcome sight as we explored those woods and the many tombs and Etruscan buildings that have been excavated there. At times it was nearly impossible not to walk upon the wonderful variety of beautiful small pink, white and liliac blooms of a mixture of spring flowers as they had also colonised the man-made steps up the hillside.

Take a drive in Maremma and you will see also them growing in abundance along the roadsides.

Pink clematis in the woods in Maremma Italy

This magnificent cactus flowered in a tiny place called Cura Nuova in Maremma, in the car park of my favourite Maremma restaurant - Il Leccio. The flowers only lasted a few days, but their beauty caught the eye of the drivers of many passing cars who stopped to take a look and a few photographs. The beauty of nature...

Flowering cactus in Maremma Italy


Maremma Landscapes

"Calanchi sul fiume Merse" (water erosion gullies) in the "colline metallifere" - the metalliferous hills of Maremma. These wonderful erosion features can be found along the Siena road north of Massa Marittima. Catch them in the right light and their intense colour is stunning. This photograph of those in Maremma is by kind permission of local photographer Enzo Tiberi

Calanche sul fiume Merse in Maremma Italy


Maremma Sunsets

"Tramonto sul golfo di Follonica" - sunset across the Gulf of Follonica - along the Maremma Grossetana coast by Massimo Pelagage. Simply stunning and it is real...

Pink sunset in the Golfo di Follonica, Maremma Italy

A lovely soft pink sunset over Monte Argentario by alisonhulot: as you can tell from the number of her photographs included here, she takes some great pink pictures of La Maremma! (as well as non-pink ones!).

Pink Maremma sunset over Monte Argentario in Maremma Italy


Maremma Sunrises

A wonderfully pale pink "landscape of maremma" along the canal near Castiglione della Pesacaia, with Casa Xiemes - or Casa Rossa as it is also known - in the background. This shot was taken by If@@

Pink sunrise in Maremma Italy



The pink Porto Santo Stefano in Monte Argentario by relisa - the place she calls home.

Porto Santo Stefano in Monte Argentario, Maremma Italy


More Pink Posts from Bloggers in Italy

I hope that you have enjoyed the photographs. These links will take you to some more pink posts from other bloggers in Italy who have co-ordinated their posts together for Friday 18 October 2010:

Linda - News From Italy -

Anne - Anne from Oxfordshire -

Laura - Ciao Amalfi -

Rosa - Bell'Avventura Tripping Through Life -

Cherrye - My Bella Vita -

Lucy - On my way 2 work and Other Stuff -

Lauren - Mamaquest -

Veronika - Modenus Blog -

Eleonora - Aglio Olio e Peperoncino -

JoAnne - Frutto della Passione -

Michelle Fabio - Bleeding Espresso -

And for a list of all of the Italian bloggers who have posted a pink Breast Cancer Awareness post: Mama Felice -


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