15 Day Weather Forecast

5 and 10 Day Weather Report

This 15 day weather forecast is provided by AccuWeather.com and covers local forecasts for anywhere in the United States plus over two million locations worldwide. Choose from a 1 to 5 day weather report, a 5 to 10 day weather report, 11 to 15 days, all 15 days, or just the weekends.

The detailed forecasts for each day include wind direction and speed, probability of thunderstorms, rain, snow, hours of daylight, UV index etc. And there are hour by hour weather summaries, severe weather predictions... in fact everything you need to plan ahead.

The weather forecast below is set for the Gulf of Follonica along Maremma's coastline, but you can change that simply by clicking on the Follonica, Italy link and then entering your desired location in "Your Local Forecast" box at the top of the page. Press "GO" for your forecast.



If you click on the "Detail Hour by Hour" links for either daytime or night time, you will not only find the forecasts for sunny, cloudy or clear conditions and temperatures, but also the "real feel" temperatures, humidity, wind directions and speeds.

And then there is potential severe weather information: everything from heavy rain, hight winds, dense fog, heavy snow, ice build up and rapid freezing conditions. All presented in a really user-friendly simple colour-coded chart.

All in all a great weather reporting page to keep on your computer desktop for your local as well as longer distance travels.

You can also change the language for the page if English isn't your first language.


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