Events in Maremma

The annual calendar of blissful days out in Tuscany :)

All the events in Maremma throughout the year. From slaying dragons to medieval crossbow competitions, from flower festivals, outdoor concerts, opera and art. Never a dull or boring day to be had in this part of Tuscany where age old traditions are still a part of everyday life and festivities celebrating everything from the change of the seasons to a humble mushroom or chestnut involve every generation in a village or town.

Colourful and fun-filled days out for the whole family: you will find them all here, month by month.

Events in Maremma Tuscany Italy





And for even MORE THINGS TO DO, you will find the links to the pages about Maremma's palios, Tuscany wine festivals and tasting events deep underground in her ancient cellars, and the sagre (eating outdoors with the locals) events at the bottom of the page.

A note. Some of these events start at the end of one month and run into the next, or, especially during the summer months, run every weekend over two months. I have included them only once where they start.



Events in Maremma in February

Maremma events "Eventi Maremma" in February: February in Maremma is carnival month!

Carnevale Follonichese


FOLLONICA - Carnevale Follonichese - Follonica Carnival

Carnevale di Follonica is a Tuscany carnival by the sea, with floats from the seven "quartieri" (neighbourhoods) of the this seaside town, namely: "Center", "New Zone", "Senzuno", "Church", "167-Live High to the Sea", "Cassarello", and "Capannino-Saint Luigi".


MASSA MARITTIMA - Carnevale Massetano

Carnevale Massetano is a little known event held within the magnificent backdrop of historic Massa Marittima in Maremma, with music, games, prizes for the best masks, parades and a masked ball in the old city square.



The Maremma MTB Cup annual international mountain bike competition through the narrow streets of the historic centres of Massa Marittima, Grosseto and Arcidosso, along the docks of Porto Santo Stefano and within the Maremma countryside.


ORBETELLO - Carnevaletto da Tre Soldi - The three penny carnival

The carnival starts on the first Friday with a competition for the most beautiful mask, a disco and orchestra. Saturday sees the arrival of the King of the "Re Carnevale" and the day of the "I Mascheroni da 3 soldi" - a show by the children of the infant schools in Orbetello and Albinia.

Sundays are all day events with a a repeat of the childrens masked show, a float procession from the "quattro rioni" (four districts) of Albinia, Neghelli, Orbetello Centro and Orbetello Scalo, a folklore band, majorettes, music and the announcement of the young queen of the carnival. The grand finale is on Shrove Tuesday, with another day of masked parades and floats, live music, an orchestra, and the "Carrissimo" best float award.


PITIGLIANO - Carnevale degli Apetti

Costumed parades of film and cartoon characters through the streets of the historic centre of Pitigliano finishing with a celebration festival. The parade starts at 14:30.


TARQUINIA - Carnevale Tarquiniese

A parade of decorated floats and masked groups.



Events in Maremma in March

Well, the carnival events of February may be over in other parts of Italy, but some years they continue a pace in la Maremma! But that is not all: for this month is also the month of the very special pagan Torciata di San Giuseppe in Pitigliano and the Olympic class sailing events from Puntone di Scarlino.


CASTIGLIONE DELLA PESCAIA - Carnevale del Mare - Carnival of the Sea

Four days of festivities centred around the Piazza Garibaldi with masked parades, modern music, DJ's, cabaret and an orchestra.


MONTORGIALI (Scansano) - Fantastico Carnevale Medievale - Medieval Carnival

A medieval carnival featuring fire eaters, jugglers, face painting, food stalls. The food is available from 10:00 and the parade starts at 15:30. Don't worry if you don't have anything in theme to wear: costumes are available to rent at the event.


MARRONETO (Santa Fiora) - Il Carnevale Morto


PITIGLIANO - Torciata di San Giuseppe

Torciata di San Giuseppe, Pitigliano: Eventi Maremma

A traditional pagan folklore event culminating in a nighttime ritual in the centre square of Pitigliano of the burning of a purifying fire lit by "I Torciatori" (medieval costumed torch bearers) to mark the arrival of the new Spring season. From the middle ages this date has also been combined with a feast dedicated to a Saint Giuseppe.

During the days, there are children's sack races and tug of war, an archery competition between the archers of Monte Penna, "sbandieratori" (medieval flag wavers) show, and tours of the spectacular Vie Cave with lunch. In the streets you will find "dolce" (sweets) typical of the area for tasting and dancers. And the restaurants will be serving medieval meals of local produce.

This is one of Maremma's events not to miss. The combination of the reenactment pagan and Christian history is suggestive enough reason to go, but when the backdrop is the historic centre of Pitigliano, la cita del Tufo (the city of Tufo), built on a cliff top in Maremma, well, what more can I say. I'll be there! The main torch procession an lighting of the fire takes place from 22:00 on the Saturday.

The photograph above of the burning of the "l'Invernaccio" at the climax of the Torciata di San Giuseppe is by kind permission of Giorgio Monteverdi.



PUNTONE DI SCARLINO - Marina di Scarlino International Finn Trophy

Maremma's Olympic class sailing event organised by the Club Nautico Scarlino.


PUNTONE DI SCARLINO - Volvo Cup Optimist

A youth sailing competition from the Marina di Scarlino organised by the Club Nautico Scarlino.



April events in Maremma

The month of blissfully warm days and storms that drench you when they pass! But April in Maremma is also one of the very best times to visit this special part of Italy. If you love colour, then you cannot help but be blown away by the brilliant hues of the wild flowers in bloom - expanses of vivid poppy red, carpets of yellow, and swathes of soft blues that look like they have fallen off of a painters palette. Nature doesn't need Photoshop in Maremma!

April wild flowers in Tuscany MaremmaTake a look at Maremma in April

Imagine whole beaches, the lengths of which stretch far away into the distance, all to yourself on which to walk, play and contemplate life. And walks along a woodlands edge that fill your hands with fresh wild asparagus for supper later.

There are a hundred and more reasons to visit Maremma in April. These are a few more in the form of organised events that will to introduce you to the natural beauty and life in this special part of Tuscany.


ALBERESE - Festival del Folklore in Maremma - Maremma Folklore Festival

This annual event is a Saturday evening show organised in collaboration with the Parco Naturale della Maremma.


BORGO CARIGE (Capalbio) - Fiera Country

A country fayre of antiques market, local products, and shows including the the Maremma Butteri cowboys and a dog show.


BRACCAGNI (GROSSETO) - Fiera del Madonnino

Maremma's annual agricultural show with free bus transfers from Grosseto and free on-site parking.



Campiglia Marittima's annual Trophy of the Dragon archery competition starts at the town's castle - the Rocca di Campiglia Marittima at 10:00 - and concludes in the afternoon - around 16:00 - with a parade from the Piazza della Repubblica. There's music and flag waving too: lots for your camera to capture in a town that would, in any event, make any photographer swoon :)


GROSSETO - Escursioni tra cielo e terra - Excursions between the sky and land

Eight excursions in total within Maremma Grossetana in which you will have the opportunity to find out about the natural environment of each area, its stories and observe the stars with the Osservatorio Astronomico di Grosseto in Roselle and from the beach of Principina a Mare. The first trip is in the Poggio di Moscona area and includes the "le cave" and Roselle. The planet for the night is red Mars.


MONTE AMIATA - Viaggio nel Mistero - A Journey of Mystery

An excursion in the Monte Amiata during which you may visit the two castles of Castello Aldobrandesco di Arcidosso and the Castello di Villa Banfi (normally only open by invitation), and the contemporary sculptural the garden of Daniel Spoerri. The tour departs at 08:30 from Grosseto (car park in front of the hospital). Reservation required. Cost Euro 35. More information


PARCHI DELLA VAL DI CORNIA - The Annual Tuscany Walking Festival

Explore the outdoors in Maremma with this annual calendar of walks during which you can find out about the story of each area and its gastronomy. Saturday sees the Tuscany Walking Festival in Maremma in the Parco Costiero della Sterpaia with a "Passeggiando tra arte e natura" - a walk between art and nature. Wednesday, the programme arrives in Montebamboli within the Parco di Montioni. Sunday sees the tour arrive in the incredible Parco Archeologico di Baratti e Populonia (Piombino) with a trek in the woods to find the old monastery of San Quirico.

The walking festival continues in Tuscany until the end of May. Information:


PARCO NATURALE DI MONTIONI - Trekking nel Parco di Montioni - Trekking in Montioni Park

A full day's trekking (take your own packed lunch) with donkeys from the Amiata, followed by dinner. Cost Euros 75. More information and reservation


PIAN DI ROCCA, CASTIGLIONE DELLA PESCAIA - Festa di Primavera - Spring Festival

A three day event celebrating the local traditional agricultural production of fruits and vegetables, particularly the violet artichokes grown in the fields around the village and "baccelli" - broad beans. Lunch and dinner is available from food stands offering typical local cuisine.

Activities during the day include organised walks with dogs in the surrounding Bandite di Scarlino countryside, horse carriages, ponies and a treasure hunt for children. Plus a motorcycle rally, cowboy show, dog shoe and races.


SORANO - Festa di Primavera - Spring Festival

Gastronomic stands and a sagra in the Piazza del Comune during the day, repeated in the evening with live music. Information:



Maremma events in May

Balestro del Girifalco, Massa Marittima Maremma Italy

With kind thanks to local Massa Marittima photographer Enzo Tiberi for his permission to use his stunning shot of a medieval man and his eagle at: I love this photograph.

Maremma events in May include a medieval crossbow competition set in the incredible backdrop of the stunning middle ages city of Massa Marittima (one of my very favourite places in Maremma). Plus a night of pirates, a feast for mushroom lovers, a cowboy show and wine tasting on a grand scale :)


ALBERESE (Grosseto) - Pedalata nel Parco Naturale della Maremma Alberese - Pedaling in the Natural Park of Maremma Alberese

Parco Regionale della Maremma

Open to all and starting at 09:00 in the Piazza del Combattente in Alberese, this cultural and sport event will take you through the road of olives where it is possible to see native park animals, a visit to the medieval tower "La Torre Saracena" of the castle "Castel Marino" of Collelungo (with a Park guide for free), time upon the gorgeous beach to take a dip or relax in the shade of the "pineta" pine woods for lunch, then return with the Maremma Butteri cowboys to Alberese for refreshments and local typical products. A perfect Sunday in Maremma: we will be there! For information telephone 329 1543593.

Photo by kind permission of Kaoscube


ARCIDOSSO - Fiera di Primavera - Spring Festival

A morning to afternoon event.


ARCIDOSSO - Sentiero Natura

An eco-gastronomic Tuscany festival in which you can try typical local products based on the local herbs of the stunning volcanic Monte Amiata in the towns restaurants.


ARCILLE (Campagnatico) - Calici in Piazza

A gastronomic event in the town square.


BAGNOLI (Arcidosso) - Festa del Maggio - May Festival

A traditional May festival with market, food tasting and a concert in the square.


BRACCAGNI (Grosseto) - Festa del Maggio - May Festival

Braccagni's May festival includes food - of course! - concerts, traditional popular singers, contemporary poets and folk songs, and art.


BRACCAGNI (Grosseto) - Maremma Wine Shire

The annual Maremma wine tasting and promotion event.


CASTELDELPIANO - Fiera di San Vincenzo

A large market filling the streets of Casteldelpiano.



Artisan beers and music in the town's Piazza Orto del Lilli.


FONTEBLANDA (Orbetello) - Festa della Bistecca e della Polenta

This is Maremma food festival takes place in the local sports ground and the "stars" of the event are Fiorentina steak and polenta with ragu sauce or wild boar. But you'll also get the opportunity to try other local specialty dishes and the region's wines.

The gastronomic stands open every night at 19:30 and on the Sunday for lunch too at 12:30.


GIGLIO CASTELLO (Isola del Giglio) - Festa della fava e del pecorino - Festival of the broad bean and pecorino cheese

A gastronomic show held in the castle of Giglio - "La Rocca".


MASSA MARITTIMA - Balestro del Girifalco

Balestro del Girifalco Massa Marittima: the Gyrfalcon target with medieval arrows.

In the ancient and noble mining capital of la Maremma the three districts of the town renew the age-old challenge for supremacy in the art of crossbow shooting. The event is held in honour of the Maremma saint Bernardino Albizzeschi, known as San Bernardino of Siena, and the competition is preceded by colourful costumed medieval parades and a wonderful exhibition of flag-waving.

Of all the events in Maremma Tuscany, don't miss this one. Because when you purchase a ticket, you aren't just getting a spectacular show, but also a rare opportunity to become absorbed into a rural town community as it celebrates with passion and pride and a huge dose of rivalry, the sheer skill and dedication of its men and women. You'll find the "allegria" (joy) infectious and without a doubt be chanting the name of the Terziere you have adopted before the final shot is released.

The Balestro del Girifalco in Massa Marittima: go!



MANCIANO - Top Secret Maremma

Free guided visits and excursions in the town and nearby localities, including some properties otherwise not open to the general public.


MONTEMASSI (Roccastrada) - "Baccellata"

This castled town's annual 1st of May festival with music, singers and tastings of local produce and dishes.


MONTIERI - Festa al Prugnolo

Montieri Festa al Prugnol


Over a weekend, two days of nature amongst the woodlands surrounding this Tuscan hill town during which you can learn the secrets of the most prized of mushrooms, the "Prugnolo". Followed by a tastings of local typical products based upon the Prugnolo, and then a dinner of local foods with music. This one is definitely for mushroom lovers!

On the Sunday there are gastronomic food stands, markets, shows, local artisans, and the opportunity to purchase Maremma foods directly from the farmers and artisans that produce them. With both a lunch and dinner of typical local dishes and specialities.

Montieri Festa al Prugnolo


But the best bit is for kids of all ages (and those fast in their feet to keep up with them!). On the Sunday - starting at 15:00, there is a "Caccia al Tesoro" - a treasure hunt in, up, and down the borgo.

It all starts in front of the Palazzo Comunale with an explanation of the treasure map and how to use a compass by local guide Simone. With a lot of giggles along the way! And then the participants are divided into two teams. This year it was girls versus boys! Each of which has to set a trail for the clues around the town for the other team.

And then they are off! All in all it is three ours of fantastic fun - my daughter had a whale of a time - notwithstanding the moaning from the boys when they lost, that the girls had made the trail too hard.

But everyone gets a prize that brings a smile :)

I can highly recommend it.


ORBETELLO - Orbetello Bike Festival

Three days dedicated to cycling tourism that include very easy, easy and difficult routes in the company of local expert bikers and guides. If you are feeling adventurous, you can even partake in the MTB competition to become champion of Orbetello!

More information at


PIAN DEL BICHI (Montemassi, Roccastrada) - Festa della Bufala

Gastronomic stands, shows and open-air dancing.


PORTO ERCOLE - La Notte dei Pirate - the Night of Pirates

An event for locals and tourists alike kicks off at 19:00 with a large number of free plates of roasted fish on the beach of the port, and continues for three days finishing with the presentation of "Piatto d'oro" (a plate of gold) to the best crew and for the best decorated pirates den. This event is great for kids.


ROSELLE (Grosseto) - Il leggendario spettacolo equestre con i butteri della Maremma - The legendary Maremma cowboys horse show

An exhibition of the Maremma Butteri (cowboys) - the last herdsmen of Europe - with pure bred Maremma horses and cows. Location: la Fattoria il Marruchetone. For reservations call 333 9579733.


SAN VINCENZO (Livorno) - "Tutti pazzi per la palamita"

A gastronomic event with food stalls and tastings of fish dishes and typical local products.


SEGGIANO - Festa della Ciliegia - Cherry Festival

This event includes a ride on an old train through the beautiful countryside from Siena to Maremma, an artisans market, a treasure hunt and children's games to keep the little one's amused, and tasting of local foods. Plus cherry pudding: yum!


SORANO - Festa del Tortello

This very traditional Maremma dish of stuffed pasta is celebrated in this magical location in Maremma with dancing and musical shows. Every evening the gastronomic stands cook-up local dishes for you to try and there is an artisan market for you to wander around whilst doing so :)



Events in Maremma in June

Amiata Piano Festival

Starting in June, the Amiata Piano Festival continues through to the end of August. Wonderful evenings of music by internationally renowned artists in an incredible setting. And to top it all, you get to eat delicious morsels of traditional Tuscan salami and cheese with wines from the ColleMassari winery during the interval (all complimentary) with the stunning backdrop of Maremma's Monte Amiata mountain on one side and the sun setting over the its foothills to the other.

Evenings in Tuscany were meant to be like this.

Music festivals in Tuscany Italy


ARCIDOSSO (Grosseto)

Festa Toscana del cibo e delle birre artigianale - A Tuscan festival of food and artisan beer


BRACCAGNI (Grosseto) - Game Fair Italia

A three day fair dedicated to hunting, shooting and horses with shows.


CAPRACOTTA (Pian del Bichi, Montemassi) - Festa della Bufala - Festival of the Buffalo

A gastronomic event where you can taste buffalo meat, mozzarella cheese and typical dishes of Maremmani food.


CASTIGLIONVELLO (Livorno) - Festa del Pesce - Fish festival

On the Saturday the markets and crafts in the town square start from 15:00, with the fried food stands opening at 19:00. On the Sunday the market is open from 09:00 to 24:00, with the food stands from 12:00 noon. One of the attractions is a huge frying pan on the seafront in which literally tonnes of fish are cooked! - 45 tonnes of fish were consumed at the event in 2009. It is a very popular annual event attracting around 30,000 people. Closing fireworks along the coast at 23:00 hours.

CIVITELLA MARITTIMA - Civitella in Musica

A music and food event for lovers of good cooking (like your grandmother used to cook), dancing and music. Held at the town's sports ground.


ISOLA DEL GIGLIO - Grigliata di Inizio Stagione

Grilled food festival to mark the start of the season. Information:


ISOLA DEL GIGLIO - A Spasso Tra I Rioni

A gastronomic weekend of "antichi sapori di mare", ancient flavours of the sea.


MONTIANO (Magliano in Toscana) - Campagna Fritta - Fried food of the season

A gastronomic show in the Piazza del Plebiscito and radiating streets. The stands open at 18.30 with local produce and the seasonal fried foods begin at 19.30. Closes at 23.30.


MONTIERI (Grosseto) - "Boccali sotto i tigli" - A beer and music festival

If you fancy a night out with the locals and a piano bar in one of Maremma's metalliferous hill towns, then this might be just the thing. Entrance is free.


PITIGLIANO flower festival - The Infiorata del Corpus Domini

Infiorata di Pitigliano flower festival


On the ninth Sunday after Easter the inhabitants of this incredibly atmospheric Maremma town, including children, are up and out in the very early morning paving the streets with flowers and petals.

This year's date is Sunday 18th June 2017.

And at around 17:00 there is a costumed procession, accompanied by a brass band, that takes ladies in waiting and the nobility of old across the flower-laden paths.

Don't miss it! The Infiorata di Pitigliano.


PORTO ERCOLE - Feste di Sant'Erasmo

The festival day of the town's saint with a procession along the sea front and a band.


PORTO SANTO STEFANO (Monte Argentario) - Presidios a Tavola

The Slow Food Argentario show within the historic centre, with gastronomic stalls from 19.00 to 24.00.


ROCCATEDERIGHI (Roccastrada) - Mostra la Rocca

Mostra La Rocca Roccatederighi

Roccatederighi is ever so worth a visit, but if ever there was a special time to do so it is when the whole of the historic centre built on an outcrop of rock high in Maremma's metalliferous hills with an incredible panoramic view, becomes an interactive outdoor art and sculpture location. Kids will love it. And don't forget to take your camera :)

The Mostra La Rocca.


TALAMONE (Grosseto) - Nonsolomare

The title of the event literally means, "not just the sea". A mix of gourmet food, sports events, music and themed markets. The food stands are open from 17:00 to 23:00.



Maremma events in July


BOCCHEGGIANO (Montieri) - Festa della birra - Annual Beer Festival

Great beers, open air dining with a menu based on fish and other things!, live music, and craft stalls. Free entrance and camping.


BORGO CARIGE (Capalbio) - Festa Democratica - Democratic Festival

A local event with food stalls.


CASTAGNETO CARDUCCI - Notti dell'archeologia signori di Maremma

A night of archaeology of Maremma man.


CINIGNANO - In Punta di Rebbi - Casserini in Cucina

A food and wine event based around bread and milk.


DONORTICO - "Serata dei golosi"

An evening for lovers of food.


DONORATICO - "Riscopriamo gli spuntini di una volta"

Rediscover snacks of a time long past.


ROSIGNANO SOLVAY - Ravaggiolo slow cooking


SAN VINCENZO - Festa dei bersaglieri e dei ciclisti

Festival of sharpshooters and cyclists.


SAN VINCENZO - Festa della cucina Toscana

Festival of Tuscan cooking.


SAN VINCENZO - Carnevale del Mare

Carnival of the Sea.


SASSETTA - Sapore di Sassetta

The "Tastes of Sassetta" festival.


SCANSANO - Morellino Classica Festival

An international music festival of eighteen concerts that start at sunrise at the beginning of June and end at the end of August: from symphonic orchestras to violins and pianofortes. Information:


SCARLINO - Slow Food Monteregio


Maremma in Festival

Starting in July and running through August you will also find these four annual festivals on Maremma, each with their own programme of events which you can find via the event web sites listed.

And, worthy of note is that, including the August Lirica in Piazza events that are also part of Maremma in Festival, if you have visited one or more of Maremma's museums and have a MUSEICARD, the card will entitle you to reduce priced tickets for all five festivals. So don't loose it!

The Grey CAT Jazz Festival -

Santa Fiora in Musica -

Festival Teatro delle Rocce -

Toscana delle Culture -



August events in Maremma


BOCCHEGGIANO - Manfani, Castroni e Castagnaccio

Two days dedicated to the chestnut from "alta Maremma" (the hills of Maremma).


BORGO CARIGE (Capalbio) - Tavolata dell'Estate


MASSA MARITTIMA - Lirica in Piazza

A weekend at the beginning of August of outdoor opera in the Piazza Duomo with the magnificent backdrop of Massa Marittima's cathedral.

Tickets may be brought online from Or by telephone - 055 210804, or in person from mid-July from the Box Office in Massa Marittima.


PORTO ERCOLE - Festa del Cinghiale

This festival usually runs into the beginning of September as well and, as you have probably guessed, is one that is based on Maremma's best wild boar recipes: "tortelli al ragu di cinghiale", "pappardelle al cinghiale", and all sorts of salami made from wild boar :)

You'll also get the opportunity to learn how to cook wild boar so that it tastes delicious: it takes time and patience, but is so worth it.


ROCCATEDERIGHI - Medievo nel Borgo

The first weekend in August sees the historic centre of this otherwise already atmospheric medieval hill town returned to the middle ages. You'll walk its narrow streets alongside knights and damsels, peasants and beggars, and be amused by street artisans, jesters, minstrels, magicians, tumblers and witches.

Local taverns and food stalls serve only those holding the local currency - the "fiorini rocchigiani" - so you will have to exchange your Euros if you want to eat some delicacies or purchase a potion or two!



September events in Maremma

Maremma events in September - "eventi Maremma in Settembre" - are a wonderful combination of livestock fairs, horse shows, palio's and concerts. And, for wine lovers, this month is a great month to visit Maremma for the all important "vendemmia" (grape harvest) is also celebrated with whole town "feste" (festivals) accompanied by home-cooked local foods. What could be better?!


GHIRLANDA (Massa Marittima) - Fiera di Ghirlanda

Maremma Cowboys at the Fiera di Ghirlanda in Maremma Tuscany

A small metalliferous hills livestock fair at which youngsters will love the pens of animals and sweet stalls (but after that they will probably be keen to go!). Read more about the Fiera di Ghirlanda.


GAVORRANO - Festival Teatro delle Rocce

The Theatre of the Rocks Festival: a free classical orchestral concert.


GROSSETO - Grosseto Festival dei Cavalli - Mostra e Campionato del Cavallo Maremmano
The Grosseto Horse Festival - Show and Maremmano Horse Championship

This is one of the most important events of the year in Maremma Grossetana and a must for horse lovers. Held in the Ex Centro Raccolta Quadrupedi, Via Castiglionese 201, a few kilometres from the centre of the city.


ISOLA DEL GIGLIO - Festa dell'Uva e delle Cantine Aperte - Festival of the Grape and Open Cellars

Also the local gastronomic event for September.


MANCIANO - "Festa delle Cantine" - Festival of the Cellars

A festival of typical speciality foods, good wine and the opportunity - don't miss it if you can! - to visit the towns cellars in the historic centre.


MONTIERI - Fiera di Travale

"Esposizione bestiame e dugustazione produtti tipici locali" - a livestock exhibition and typical local product tasting event.


PETRICCI (Semproniano) - Petricci in Festa - Petricci Festival

A gastronomic event based around the pumpkin.


PITIGLIANO - Settembre di Vino - September of Wine

Music, dinner, wine and local speciality food tasting. Plus, a very special opportunity to visit the ancient cellars carved into the local tufo rock. Together with guided walks through the incredible "Vie Cave" which are many kilometre long and up to twenty-five metres deep passageways carved through the tufo rock connecting Pitigliano with neighbouring Sovana and Sorano.

This one isn't to be missed. Trust me!


PITIGLIANO - Festa della Contea

The late middle ages and Renaissance court of Count Nicholas III Orsini is brought to life in the streets and squares of Pitigliano and inside the imposing Palazzo Orsini, with three days of tournaments, juggling, music, dancing and banquets. Including an exhibition and archery tournament between the archers of the four districts of the town - the "Rioni della Contea" - of Borgonovo, Capisopra, Capisotto, and Fratta.

Lots of roasted pig an wine to be had here :)


PODERE DI MONTEMERANO (Manciano) - Festa Poderana - Poderana Festival

A town festival over a long weekend with many typical local dishes and dancing. The food stalls are open on the Friday evening, and lunchtime and evenings on the Saturday and Sunday.


POGGIO MURELLA (Manciano) - Festa Paesana "La Bagana" - Village Festival

Dinner with live music and a piano bar.


ROCCASTRADA - Settembre Roccastradino - September in Roccastrada

A gastronomic event based around the towns restaurants, with concerts and shows.


ROSELLE (Grosseto) - Il leggendario spettacolo equestre con gli ultimi mandriani a cavallo in Europa - i Butteri della Maremma

A horse show by the last traditional herdsmen in Europe. (This event is organised by a private business.)


SCANSANO - Degustazioni di Morellino e Prodotti Tipici

Tasting of Morellino wines and typical local products with pizza theatrical performances, live music and more.

SATURNIA (Manciano) - Saturnia Festival

A free concert commencing at 21:00 in the Piazza Vittoria Veneto.


SCARLINO - Chiaro di Luna

An end of summer concert held in the castle - Il Castello di Scarlino. Live music and a DJ.


SUVERETO - Spiriti nella Notte - Spirits in the Night

A night-time walk led by naturalist and ornithologist from the Riserva Naturale Provinciale Lago di Santa Luce to explore the nocturnal world of birds of prey in the area.

Starts 21:00 in the Giardini Piazza V. Veneto. Walking shoes, comfortable and waterproof clothing recommended.


SUVERETO - Il Borgo dei Ragazzi

Borgo dei Ragazzi in Suvereto

A day for children. A town event full of activities for children of all ages with storytelling, games, painting and more in the streets and squares of the historic town centre.


VALPIANA (Massa Marittima) - Notte con gli Squali - a Night with the Sharks

A sleep-over for children at the Aquarium Mondo Marino: a great place to visit.



October events in Maremma

Find out what October brings with it in Maremma.



Two weekends of mushrooms! With local artists work on display, gastronomic stalls and music. Plus guided excursions to find "funghi e castagne" - mushrooms and chestnuts.


ARCIDOSSO - La Castagna in Festa

Food stalls all filled with produce made form chestnuts to be tasted with chestnut beer! The cellars in the historic centre of Arcidosso are open and during the day there are shows and an artisans market.


CALDANA (Gavorrano) - Festa d'Autunno - the Autumn Festival

A gastronomic event but you can bet that there will be wine there too!


CAMPIGLIA D'ORCIA (Monte Amiata, Siena) - Festa del Marrone

Always on the last Sunday of October, the festival of a particular local variety of chestnut, the "Marrone".


CANA (Roccalbegna) - Festa della Biondina

In and around the Maremma town of Cana, the chestnut is known as the "biondina" and so this is another chestnut festival! Maremma's higher hills are full of chestnut trees and the Italians know how to forage for great free food.

This festival includes the possibility to try the local "polenta di castagne", as well as other ancient and traditional local recipes such as "zuppa di funghi" (mushroom soup), and sausages cooked over hot embers and chestnut jam.


CAMPAGNATICO - Festa del Vino

The cellars are open with live music.


CASTELL'AZZARA - Zucche in Festa

A pumpkin and squash festival with food stalls selling homemade Tuscan squash and pumpkin dishes, artist and craft stalls, music and shows.


CINIGIANO - the Festa dell'Uva - Grape Festival

With "cantine aperte" - that's "open cellars" in English, but what it doesn't convey if you aren't in the know is that these open cellars are more often than not deep underground - under ancient medieval and Renaissance buildings - and that not only do you get to taste some great wines that are stored in them, but you get to experience a rare view of rural Tuscany that most people won't ever see. Some of them take you to the Etruscan foundations upon which the medieval hill towns were built.

There's music and stalls at this festival too.


ISOLA DEL GIGLIO - Festa della Castagna

This chestnut festival is held within Giglio Castello - the castle - on this beautiful island.


MASSA MARITTIMA - Festa e Torneo di San Cerbone

Medieval crossbow competition in Massa Marittima in Maremma: Eventi Maremma in October

This "festa" is held in my home town of Massa Marittima is one of my favourite things to do in October. A colourful celebration of the towns patron saint with a medieval crossbow tournament in costume, a flag throwing display and parade to the cathedral.

Tuscany events in October: Festa di San Cerbone Massa Marittima Maremma Italy

It all starts at 15:45, with a medieval costumed parade through town into Piazza Garibaldi - the cathedral square... But if you get there a little earlier and pop down the side streets, you can get some wonderful pre-show photos.

Read more at Festa di San Cerbone.


MONTEMERANO - Festa delle Streghe - the Witches' Festival

Dancing witches, parades of fear, magic potions and fire all add up to two nights of eerie and unearthly fun in the dark lamp-lit medieval streets of Montemerano :)



On the last Sunday of October, the ladies of Monterotondo Marittimo cook all sorts of "dolci" - sweets and desserts using chestnut flour for you to try and then there is a competition for both the best tasting and best looking ones of the lot.

There are other traditional autumnal dishes for you to try too if you don't have a sweet tooth like me!


MONTICELLO AMIATA (Cinigiano) - Festa della Castagna - Chestnut Festival

A long weekend of "cantine aperte", gastronomic stands, music and an artisans market.


MONTORSAIO (Campagnatico) - Festa della Castagna

Open wine cellars, artisan market and tasting of traditional "dolci" - sweet desserts :)

Starts at 20:00 on the Friday, 14:00 on the Saturday with DJ music and a fire show, and from 10:00 on the Sunday.


ORBETELLO - Gustatus

A five day festival of gastronomic food and wine tasting by a lagoon, Orbetello's "Il Senso del Gusto" of "profumi e sapori della tradizione contadina e lagunare" - aromas and flavours of the rural tradition and lagoon - is a big event in Maremma's annual calendar that will fill Orbetello with visitors from the morning to late into the night.

Obtain your wine glass and holder when you arrive and then take a leisurely stroll through the streets trying Maremma wines - vineyard by vineyard - and the free tit-bits of typical local foods.

There are markets galore, with a fish market, an and artists markets, a "cioccolateria" with artisan chocolatiers, and a seventeenth century market with another chocolate maker typical of those that would have supplied the Medici family. Listen to some music and watch some shows... Or just people watch!


PIANCASTAGNAIO (Siena) - Crastatone

Another chestnut festival, this time in the volcanic foothills of Maremma's Monte Amiata.


SANTA FIORA - Sagra del Marrone Santafiorese

Visit the Santa Fiora woods where the woodlands have been managed and chestnuts gathered for centuries and then return for some wonderful plates of home-cooked food.


SASSOFORTINO (Roccastrada) - Festa della Castagna - Chestnut Festival

A gastronomic day with foods based upon the chestnut, shows and the towns wine cellars open for visits.

For more information


VALLERONA (Roccalbegna) - Festeggiamenti Religiosi Popolari per la Madonna del Rosario

A three day festival with street artists, games, exhibitions, stalls with locally prepared food, a juggling show, a costumed parade, dancing in the town square and... all the wine cellars open :)



November events in Maremma

Events in Maremma in November are a wonderful mix of village autumnal festivals, celebrations of the new extra virgin olive oils - some of the best, if not the best in Italy!, a wine festival with a medieval castle as the backdrop, and an artisan chocolate festival. What more could you wish for?!: the very best of Italian foods and wine in the stunning setting that is Maremma.

Other things to do and what November in Maremma looks like.


BATIGNANO (Grosseto) - Festa dell'Olio di Batignano - Olive Oil Festival

Food stands with "zonzelle", "crogetti" and typical "dolce", "bruschette" and snacks, chestnuts and "vino novello" (new wine), music and shows.

For more information:


CAPALBIO - Festa del Novello - New Olive Oil Festival

Open from 09:30 to 19:00.



A promotion of local olive oil event with bruschetta on the Saturday and a menu of "Per un filo d'olio" (for a line of olive oil) on Sunday lunchtime by participating restaurants. Guided tour of the local "frantoi" (olive oil manufacturers) in the Cinigiano area, and the Museum House of Monticello Amiata.


GROSSETO - Cioccolando - Art & Ciocc - Il Tour dei Cioccolatieri - Festival of Chocolate

A Maremma chocolate festival: what can I say: heaven! Open from 10:00 to 22:00 each day in the Piazza Duomo and Piazza Dante of the city of Grosseto's historic medieval centre. Try the homemade artisan praline, cremini, tavolette, tartufi, dragées and many more... Definitely one for chocolate lovers in Italy!


MARSILIANA (Manciano) - Festa dell'Olio Nuovo - Festival of the new olive oil

Open from 16:00 with bruschette, vino and panini (sandwiches).


MASSA MARITTIMA - GirOlio d'Italia

An olive oil event organised by the Comune of Massa Marittima and the Slow Food Monteregio.


MASSA MARITTIMA - Rosso Novembre Rosso

A month of wonderful events in and around the spectacular town of Massa Marittima in the heart of Maremma's metalliferous hills: from free entrance to all of the town's museums, to guided tours by the local speleological society under this ancient city's palaces, Etruscan dinners and more.

For all of the information go to


MONTELATERONE (Arcidosso) - Festa dell'Olio "Verde Oro" - Olive Oil Festival "Green Gold"

A festival celebrating the new press extra virgin olive oil within the foot hills of Maremma's ancient volcano Monte Amiata. Traditional local foods, music, street artists, a wood fire and and an opportunity to visit the workshop of a local carpenter.


MONTEPESCALI (Grosseto) - Qualita in terra antica - Quality in Ancient Land

Open wine cellars and Maremman food tasting.


PETRICCI (Semproniano) - "Prodotti poveri per ricchi sapori" - Edition of Poor products for rich flavours

A gastronomic event with autumnal produce - chestnuts and olive oil - and typical local dishes prepared by the local women following traditional recipes. All served within the towns ancient cellars with wine and music! A great experience with shows in the streets.


ROSIGNANO MARITTIMO - Pane e Olio in Frantoio

Olive oil mills open in Rosignano Marittima and Vada for visits and tastings. For more information:


SAN MARTINO SUL FIORA (Manciano) - Festa per San Martino - Festival for Saint Martino

A local annual event in honour of San Martino.


SCARLINO - Vino Novello e Vino Novo

A local wine festival in this Tuscan medieval hilltop town with a magnificent castle.


SEMPRONIANO - Olio per X Olio

Try the new olive oil and gastronomic products typical of this part of Maremma. On the Saturday participating restaurants will be serving a "menu degustazione" - a tasting menu. And on the Sunday, from 12:00 the cellars of Semproniano will be opened for tasting the local new olive oil.


TATTI (Massa Marittima) - Sapori d'Autuno - Tastes of Autumn

Eventi Maremma in November: Tatti in festaTatti in festa by bonizios.

Artisan products, Maremman gastronomic foods, street artists and an opportunity to visit the towns ancient cellars in this village within Maremma's metalliferous hills.

VADA - Festa di San Leopoldo - Festival of Saint Leopoldo

A choral concert on the Saturday evening (21:00), Holy Mass on Sunday morning (10:30), food stands and bars from 12:00 noon in Piazza Garibaldi, followed by children's entertainment and sports and then a set dinner at 20:30.



Even more things to do in Maremma

You'll find a whole page of even more things to do in Maremma: from archaeological digs to archery, from birdwatching to playing golf, from learning Italian to guided summer treks, from diving to SUP boarding, and much more in the things to do in Maremma page.


An unforgettable Palio in Maremma

Maremma's annual calendar of wonderful events also includes more than thirty palio races and competitions of skill.

Palios in Tuscany Italy: the Palio dei Ciuchi at Campagnatico in Maremma.The Palio dei Ciuchi at Campagnatico by Lucia


Wine tasting deep underneath Maremma's towns and villages

In these not to be missed open cellar events in Maremma we aren't talking about visits to the huge wine cellars of famous wineries - although you will get to try wines from them too - but to "cantina's" deep underground beneath the medieval and Renaissance palaces and buildings in Maremma's hamlets, village and towns that are otherwise only ever seen by the people who own them. Down steps and passages that were in many cases carved out of the local rock by Etruscans.

Tasting Tuscany wine doesn't come much more memorable than this.


The Sagre in Maremma

Dinners of traditional home-cooked food served outdoors with the locals: what can I say? Go if you can and you'll most likely end-up dancing the night away too after eating one of the best meals of our holiday. All the sagre in Maremma, month by month.



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